I am Elder Brett Moore, an LDS Missionary serving in the Japan Tokyo Mission from September 2015 - September 2017. I can be emailed while on the mission at: brett.moore@myldsmail.net

Elder Brett Moore

Elder Brett Moore

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Week 52- 9/26/16 BOOM HALF WAY

You heard it here folks, this Elder only has about 12 months until he comes home. Y'all better get ready because if the second half of my mission is any faster than the first, I'll show up at the door without you knowing. 

So this week was literally the wettest week of my mission. I know I've probably said that a few times but let me get one thing clear. 

You can always get wetter. 

The typhoon started Sunday night, and didn't stop until Sunday morning the next week. I forgot what it was like to experience rain not hitting my face 24/7. And in the words of the great Forest Gump "it even rained up" because the treads on my bike tires throw water at my face, especially going really fast downhill. This week was still good. We started a Book of Mormon study class and literally all of our progressing investigators came. It was a huge success. On my half way day we went out to the high end katsu shop near the church. I had pork katsu, with cheese melted in it. Absolute bliss. Then it rained harder. I actually figured out how much time it takes for my shoes to get dry using a blow drier. 

Probably the biggest miracle of this week was our investigator Shiga. Usually he doesn't read, or pray, or come to church. Really we didn't know why he was meeting with us. But this week, he told us he read all of 1 Nephi, and offered to give the closing prayer. The reason is because somebody he knows died recently and because he's a 70 year old man, and in his words "もうすぐそろそろかな" which is "I'll probably be going soon" he has been thinking a lot about death and what will happen to him. Tons of progress!

Finally I just wanted to end with a little something I learned about commandments. The rules and guidelines God gave us are of course for our protection, but why do they have to be those commandments? Well the answer is simple. Those commandments aren't just rules God chose to hinder or restrict, but because they are eternal laws. There is only one path to eternal life, b if that path is just chosen and changed, then there's no point in having E path. That is why God doesn't change. Principles of righteousness are eternal, unchanging and thereby governed by an eternal, unchanging God. 

I'm excited for the next year on my mission. I'm a little scared because my time is actually ticking away now. I've reached the hill and climbed it. From the words of my father, and his father "what comes up, must come down." I'm ready for all the experiences! Thank you for tuning in this week. Enjoy the pics and such!



 hanging with Masaki

 hanging with Masaki

you don't know what you've got till its gone

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