I am Elder Brett Moore, an LDS Missionary serving in the Japan Tokyo Mission from September 2015 - September 2017. I can be emailed while on the mission at: brett.moore@myldsmail.net

Elder Brett Moore

Elder Brett Moore

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Week 63- 12/12/16 Just Trying to Figure Out How to Keep My Feet Continuously Warm

Hey everybody! How has your week been? Well I'll tell you about mine. 
This week was one where I didn't take my rain suit off for practically the whole week except for Saturday. It's really trying to snow here. It actually happened on Saturday though and I'm stoked. We were slipping down sliding everywhere on the way home from our ping pong night which nobody came to. 

This week was pretty much a scramble of trying to contact our investigators. All of them have stopped talking to us. Even Nitta, and he's supposed to have a baptism. He read the Word of Wisdom pamphlet and that's the last we've heard from him. He won't talk it out or anything. Looks like he's a cancel. It wouldn't be too bad if we could still meet our other progressing investigator but he's not talk in either. So this week was just a lot of walking around in the cold and rain telling people about our Christmas party. I'm actually pretty excited for the party because president is coming and he singing a bunch of talented missionaries with him. 

So yeah our investigators don't like us anymore. But we'll find more I guess. Since winter is coming and it started snowing nobody is talking to us or even outside anymore. We're pretty much out of ideas so we're going to start taking the train out to visit less actives who haven't been visited in forever because the train is reimbursable in Niigata zone in the winter. Warm toes here we come!

Other than that this was a way challenging first week of transfer ten. But hey it snowed. It's supposed to start raining again though. It was fun while it lasted. We've also been trying to kick the branch into action with missionary work. They just kind of complain and shoot us down every time but what they don't realize is in 10 years if nothing happens Nagaoka branch won't even exist anymore. Everybody reading this better be helping your missionaries. I'm not just talking bout feeding them. SHARE THE GOSPEL. Be the light of the world! That's pretty much our big focus. 

Other than that this week wasn't very eventful. It's what happens when your entire area decides to take a belly flop. We had zone meeting! Played some wicked frisbee in the freezing cold. Speaking of cold I have a cold. We've been dealing with that as well. Have a good week everybody and enjoy my pictures! 

Zone Meeting

Oguro wanted a picture

the band

We found these sick shirts from the 70s for 2 bucks. Mine has elephants and giraffes on it

Mega Gundam Elder

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